Ar kietojo disko orientacija turi įtakos jo gyvenimui?


Ar kietojo disko orientacija turi įtakos jo gyvenimui?
Ar kietojo disko orientacija turi įtakos jo gyvenimui?

Video: Ar kietojo disko orientacija turi įtakos jo gyvenimui?

Video: Ar kietojo disko orientacija turi įtakos jo gyvenimui?
Video: How To Create PowerShell Profile Step by Step with Examples - YouTube 2024, Balandis
Daugeliu atvejų galima prijungti diskus vertikalioje arba horizontalioje konfigūracijoje, o išorinius įrenginius galima lengvai pertvarkyti. Ar kietojo disko orientacija daro įtaką diskų veikimui ir ilgaamžiškumui?
Daugeliu atvejų galima prijungti diskus vertikalioje arba horizontalioje konfigūracijoje, o išorinius įrenginius galima lengvai pertvarkyti. Ar kietojo disko orientacija daro įtaką diskų veikimui ir ilgaamžiškumui?

Šiandieninė klausimų ir atsakymų sesija ateina pas mus "SuperUser" - "Stack Exchange", "Q &A" interneto svetainių grupių bendruomenės, padalinys.


SuperUser skaitytojas Yoosiba norėjo sužinoti, ar svarbu kietojo disko orientacija:

I’ve noticed on many small PC cases that the hard drives are installed vertically. In midi cases, towers and others of a larger housing, they are in the horizontal position.

What impact on a hard drive does a vertical position have? Does it affect the life? Is it more prone to errors?

(Not SSDs (solid-state drive), just plain hard drive with all its mechanical parts inside.)

Kokio ilgaamžiškumo pasikeitimo, jei toks yra, daro orientaciją? Paimkime atsakymus, kuriuos pamatysime.


Keletas "SuperUser" autorių prisidėjo; "Hyperslug" rašo:

According to several manufacturers, mounting a 3/5″ hard drive horizontally, vertically, or sideways doesn’t affect the hard drive life significantly.

These are statements taken from the hard drive literature at each manufacturer’s website; it’s four years old but things probably haven’t changed much.


The drive will operate in all axes (6 directions). Performance and error rate will stay within specification limits if the drive is operated in the other orientations from which it was formatted.

Western Digital:

Physical mounting of the drive: WD drives will function normally whether they are mounted sideways or upside down (any X, Y, Z orientation).


The hard drive can be mounted in any orientation.


As long as it is securely attached to the chassis, hard disk drives may be mounted either horizontally or vertically depending on how your computer’s case is constructed.

When asked if the drive could be mounted at askew angles, their official positions were:

Manufacturer Contact method Response ------- --------------------- --------------------- WD Tech support, email 90 degrees. Hitachi Hitachi documentation 90 degrees. Samsung Tech support, phone 90 degrees. Fujitsu Tech support, chat 90 degrees +-5. Seagate Tech support, email 90 degrees preferred, but diagonal OK. Maxtor Tech support, phone 90 degrees preferred, but in real world, whatever.

Iki 90 laipsnių jie reiškia vertikalią, horizontalią ar šoninę.

Nykštukas išskleidė atšaldymą:

It shouldn’t matter which way you do it these days. But there’s one possible caveat of making it vertical:

Under situations where cooling is at premium and you don’t have the means to increase cooling of your system, mounting the disk horizontally with the label facing upwards could be seen as an advantage, since heat rises away from the disk surface more efficiently than if the disk was mounted vertically. But even so, any impact on performance or disk lifetime would only be noticeable in years to come. Just thought nevertheless to make this note.

Galiausiai, Chris Nava pažymi, kad istoriškai buvo precedentas, kad išlaikytų orientaciją, kuri buvo suformatuojama diske:

At one time (long ago) manufactures advised against changing the orientation of a drive without reformatting it. This was due to the heads being affected by gravity and becoming misaligned with respect to the data. I have not seen such a notice in quite some time.

Apatinė linija: tol, kol pavara saugiai sumontuojama korpuse ir tinkamai atvėsinama, pernelyg didelį susidėvėjimą nerūpi.

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